Thinking of outsourcing your company's payroll, instead of wrestling with complex, ever-changing HR rules and regulations?
Temporary Staffing, Construction Companies, Restaurants, Sport Bars, Trucking, Manufacturing, Towing Companies.
We have a solution, Payroll USA - online web payroll.
Call Payroll USA (866) 999-9672 / (941) 756-1700.
We can eliminate all the payroll related paperwork from your desk and reduce your payroll cost by assuming the time consuming task for managing payroll, employee benefits, human resources (HR), worker's compensation coverage for your employees, payroll accounting and payroll tax compliance issues.
Payroll USA , a key solution to free up your time so you can focus on your core business.
In the News
Payroll USA, Inc. has joined AmTrust Financial Services to be our new worker's compensation insurance carrier.
AmTrust Financials - Rated A (Excellent by A.M Best).
Payroll USA, Inc. as an Employee Leasing Organization, online payrol, payroll leasing,l services profit companies and non-profit organizations i.e. churches, 501c3, etc. – large or small, we can process all types of payroll services such as: constructionpayroll, hospitalitypayroll including restaurantpayroll, professionalpayroll, temporary staffing, franchise payroll, retail payroll, motion picture payroll, medical payroll, payroll accounting, manufacturing payroll plus time and attendance payroll software. As a Professional Employer Organization (PEO or Employee Leasing, sometimes referred as "Payroll Leasing, Staff Leasing") we can provide employee leasing services to 50 States. As an Administrative Service Organization (ASO) our payroll company services the entire United States. Read More: link to (PEO Payroll Services vs ASO Payroll Services) and (Payroll Services Arrangements Models)
Payroll USA provides payroll processing and payroll management reports tailored to your needs regardless of the complexities your business may require, such as: tips tax payroll reporting, union reporting, job cost payroll, departmental payroll, certified payroll reports based on region, location, etc. We offer remote payroll check printing if needed.
We can assist you producing payroll reports with Owner Controlled Insurance Programs OCIP.
"Our web payroll service brings our office to your desk"
To help you build a better solution for your business, we offer our Nationwide Payroll Web Edition (Web Payroll is sometimes referred as online payroll processing, internet payroll or web based payroll) which is a dynamic web application that allows exchange real-time payroll, HR and benefit information with your managers and your employees via the internet from any computer at anytime, anywhere. Our online payroll service is easy to learn and easy to use -"You can bank on us." (For more key information on our easy payroll nationwide solution link to Web Payroll Services, Internet Payroll Services, Online Payroll Services).
We provide as a PEO worker's compensation Insurance rated A (Excellent) by A.M Best with Pay-as-go policy and no up-front deposit required.
As a Professional Employer Organization(PEO), Payroll USA, Inc. helps you attract and retain better employees by offering improved employee benefits packages and professional human resources services.
Our easy online payroll data entry is secured, fast and efficient. We provide reliability and security - with offsite data storage, backup data redundancy, and mirrored data servers to ensure that the programs running your employees' payroll never fail.
Construction Payroll & Employee Leasing, PEO for the Construction Industry
Education Payroll & Employee Leasing, PEO for the Education Sector
Commercial Building Construction
Drywall Company, wallboard
Electrical Company - Electricians
Business Schools
Flooring Company
Hair Salons, Nail Salons
Framing Company, Construction Framing, Framing Carpentry
Day Care Services
Glass And Glazing Company
Highway, Street And Bridge Construction
Manufacturing Payroll & Employee Leasing, PEO for the Manufacturing Industry
Assembly operations, etc.
Masonry Construction - Residential and commercial Concrete
Non Profit Organizations Payroll & Employee Leasing, PEO for Non Profit Organizations
New Housing Construction
Churches - Non Profit Payroll - Clergy - Foundation
Condo Associations
Painting Company, Construction cleaning
501c3 Organizations
Plumbing Company
Hospitality Payroll & Employee Leasing, PEO for the Hospitality Industry
Poured Concrete, cement blocks
Country Clubs
Foundation Company
Dinner Theaters
Power And Communication Line Construction
Amusement Parks
General Construction Company
Bars, Taverns, Sport Bars
Residential Remodeling Construction
Fitness Centers
Roofing Company
Bowling Centers
Siding Company
Structural Steel Construction
Casinos Payroll Processing
Water and Sewer Line Companies
Dinner Theaters
Paving Company, road surfacing
Golf Courses
Financial Companies - Payroll & Employee Leasing, PEO for the Financial Companies Sector
Condo Associations
Appliance Rental
501c3 Organizations
Claims Adjusting
Night Clubs, Hotels
Consumer Electronics
Musical Groups, Bands
Consumer Lending Companies
Sports Centers
Credit Card Companies
Restaurants - franchise - Convenience stores - Internet Cafe
Credit Unions
RV Parks
Health and Medical Insurance Companies
Skiing Parks
Property and Casualty Insurance - Workers compensation - General Liability - Owners Controlled Insurance (OCIP)
Sports Clubs
Sports Trainers
Equipment Rental and Leasing
Formal Wear and Costume Rental
Insurance Agencies and Brokers
Dancing Studios
Investment Advisors
Condo Associations
Rental Centers
501c3 Organizations
Home Health Equipment Rental
Professional Services Payroll & Employee Leasing, PEO
Investment Bankers
Interior Designs
Lessors of Real Estate Property
Advertising Agencies
Mortgage Loan Brokers
Architectural Services
Loan Brokers
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Services
Real Estate Agents and Brokers
Certified Public Accountants - Accounting Professionals - Restaurant Accounting
Portfolio Management Companies
Computer Related Services
Property Managers
Accountant, Accountants, Payroll Accounting
Real Estate Appraisers
Employment Agencies - Temp Staffing
Non Profit Organizations
Engineering Services
Health Care Payroll & Employee Leasing, PEO for the Health Care Industry
Exterminating and Pest Control Services
Podiatrist Offices
Janitorial Services
Blood and Organ Bank Employees
Landscape Architects
Chiropractor Office Employees
Landscaping Services
Chiropractic Care
Dentist Office Employees - dental
Diagnostic Imaging Centers
Home Medical Care Services
Consulting Services
Home for the Elderly Employees
Office Administration Services
Hospitals and Doctors
Payroll Services Companies - Payroll Processing Companies - Online Payroll Services - Web Based Payroll Service Companies - Construction Payroll Companies - Payroll Franchise - Credit Union Payroll - Union Payroll - Internet Payroll Processing - Small Business Payroll - Restaurant Payroll