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Welcome to Payroll USA

Your One Stop Payroll Service Provider


If you are looking for a complete payroll service, you've found it here. Whether you're a start up business with 3 employees, or a business that has been established for generations with thousands of employees, Payroll USA will provide the same quality service.


 For more information about Payroll USA and our payroll services,

Select one of the following:



PEO Services

Employee Leasing

Payroll Services

Online Payroll Services

ASO Services

HR Services

Workers Compensation

Employee Benefits


AL Alabama Online Payroll Services LA Louisiana Online Payroll Services ND North Dakota Online Payroll Services
AK Alaska Online Payroll Services ME Maine Online Payroll Services OH Ohio Online Payroll Services
AZ Arizona Payroll Services MD Maryland Online Payroll Services OK Oklahoma Online Payroll Services
AR Arkansas Online Payroll Services MA Massachusetts Online Payroll Services OR Oregon Online Payroll Services
CA California Online Payroll Services MI Michigan Online Payroll Services PA Pennsylvania Online Payroll Services
CO Colorado Online Payroll Services MN Minnesota Online Payroll Services RI Rhode Island Online Payroll Services
CT Connecticut Online Payroll Services MS Mississippi Online Payroll Services SC South Carolina Online Payroll Services
DE Delaware Online Payroll Services MO Missouri Online Payroll Services SD South Dakota Online Payroll Services
FL Florida Online Payroll Services MT Montana Online Payroll Services TN Tennessee Online Payroll Services
GA Georgia Online Payroll Services NE Nebraska Online Payroll Services TX Texas Online Payroll Services
HI Hawaii Online Payroll Services NV Nevada Online Payroll Services UT Utah Online Payroll Services
ID Idaho Online Payroll Services NH New Hampshire Online Payroll Services VT Vermont Online Payroll Services
IL Illinois Online Payroll Services NJ New Jersey Online Payroll Services VA Virginia Online Payroll Services
IN Indiana Online Payroll Services NM New Mexico Online Payroll Services WA Washington Online Payroll Services
IA Iowa Online Payroll Services NY New York Online Payroll Services WV West Virginia Online Payroll Services
KS Kansas Online Payroll Services NC North Carolina Online Payroll Services WI Wisconsin Online Payroll Services
KY Kentucky Online Payroll Services   WY Wyoming Online Payroll Services



There are a number of complex laws in effect governing payroll. At minimum, if you are preparing your own payroll, you need an accountant, a lawyer, risk manager and a benefits manager.

By joining Payroll USA, Inc., for a small fee, you have access to an experienced HR department staffed with lawyers, accountants, risk and benefits managers.

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Toll Free Telephone: 866-999-9672



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