Payroll Service

Online Payroll - Payroll Online - You can bank on us - It's Easy - Anywhere in all of America - Nationwide Online Payroll Services


Eplanation of PEO versus ASO picture

Payroll Web Edition (Payroll Web is sometimes referred as online payroll) is the dynamic web application (HRPyramid) that allows exchange real-time online payroll, HR online and benefit online information with our clients and their employees via the internet. To view our Online Payroll Demo link to Web Based Payroll Demo.

What Online Payroll Managers Can Do (Administrator) (Employees)


Manager Online Self-Service gives decision-makers the resources they need to do their jobs. Online Payroll Reports can be generated on-the-fly with real-time data. Batch time sheets have drill-down access to employee records. Online access to human resource actions such as pay rate changes can be set by manager.

  • Online payroll allows you to add and maintain codes for departments, divisions, projects, work sites, locations, jobs, shifts and work group
  • Online payroll enable you to generate instant reports in PDF, HTML or tab delimited (Excel) file formats using specific selection criteria
  • View online instant display reports in HTML or download data into a spreadsheet file format
  • Online payroll allows you to drill down to detail included in HTML reports
  • Save and access generated online payroll reports and queries at a later time
  • Update online - employee information on master record with online payroll
  • Online Payroll Web Edition enables you to enter and maintain batch time sheets as well as individual detail time sheets
  • Enter one-time online payroll deductions such as a "tools" or "charity" deduction
  • Enter HR actions with online payroll including new hire, pay rate change, job change, leave of absence, re-activation, rehire, status-type change, and terminations
  • Track skills, events and performance reviews with online payroll
  • Maintain labor allocation, tax filing and health data information with online payroll
  • Post messages that ca be view through a special employee communications portal when the employee logs into Employee Self Services
  • View or add employee dependent information with online payroll
  • View or add employee beneficiaries online
  • View an employee's benefits summary information online
  • View paid time off balances for an employee online
  • View an employee's flexible spending account activity online
  • View an employee's year to date retirement plan deferrals and match balances online
  • Print checks remotely with online payroll
  • Create handy external links, e.g. benefit service providers' web site online
  • Create links to documents, such as employee handbooks using online payroll web edition

Call Payroll USA (941 756-1700) for a Payroll Quote. We offer 5% - 25% discount on your worker's compensation rate depending on your claim history.

