Payroll Service

Online Payroll - Web Payroll




Eplanation of PEO versus ASO picture


Payroll Web Edition (Payroll Web is sometimes referred as online payroll) is the dynamic web application (HRPyramid) that allows exchange real-time payroll, HR and benefit information with our clients and their employees via the internet. To view our Online Payroll Demo link to Web Based Payroll Demo.

What Site Administrators Can Do (Site Manager) (Employees)

Site Managers are given super powers to set user security and define menu options. The site manager is typically a representative of the client company, hower, a member of the HR staff can assume control, if preferred.

  • Customize page layout for each individual company with different logos, menu and style sheets
  • Define menus by company such as a) create or rename menu tab labels, b)options available from menu, c)determine which sensitive fields can be displayed
  • Define user security such as a)login name and password, b)menus available to a user, c)restrict a user from accessing or altering an employee record based on the employee's location, division, department, shift or definable work group